Pronti per la Prova Costume? Il Segreto dei Fanghi d'Alga Guam

Who of you on these gray and stormy days has never gone with thought to mild temperatures, dreaming The emotions and perfumes of the beaches, perhaps peeking the spring bridges on the calendar?Even if the Christmas bags have now been disposed of, that cathartic moment, in which you get rid of the clothes to expose yourself to the sun, cannot fail to arouse some concern.Fortunately we have all the time to prepare and introduce ourselves to the best.



To get ready for the costume test you have to prepare in time.


One of the worst enemies, subtle and feared by the female audience, is certainly cellulite.Unfortunately, even a toned and trained body can present it.Let's see what it is before talking about how to fight it.Cellulite or PEFS (sclerotic edemophymous diaper) is a degeneration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, caused by an alteration of the microcirculation, which leads to the accumulation of liquids and the inflammation of the fat cells.It presents itself in several progressive stages. Stadium I (Fig. 1) We only have an accumulation of liquids, it manifests itself with a more pasty consistency skin where the orange peel is highlighted only by compressing it.It has no symptoms and is reversible.


Fig.1: Stadium I.


Stadium II (Fig. 2) Due to the lack of oxygen exchange there is an hyperproduction of collagen that forms small nodules visible on the surface.There is a loss of elasticity and the orange peel effect can also be visible to stretches stretched out, sometimes they appear to be light discouragement.If mechanically stressed, it can be slightly painful and cold to the touch.


Fig. 2: Stadium II.


 In Stadium III (Fig. 3) The collagen fibers form a compact structure that suffocates the skin tissue and encapsulate the adipose nodes that increase in size compromising the local microcirculation.The consequent accumulation of liquids determines a local inflammation.The phenomenon becomes unpleasantly evident, it may appear bruised, the skin is cold, altered in the color and painful to the touch.


Fig.3: Stadium III.


The further degeneration of the pathology leads to Stadio 4 (Fig. IV) Where all the alterations previously mentioned worsen, the Macronodols are structured, until they press on nerve endings.Sensitivity to stresses increases and the skin takes on the typical "mattress" appearance.This condition is irreversible


Fig. 4: Stadium IV, irreversible.


The factors that lead to cellulite are varied.We classify them for convenience in predisposing (genetics, puberty, pregnancy, menopause and obesity) triggering (liver and hormonal dysfunzini, especially thyroid, incorrect posture and oral contraceptive intake) and external (smoking, alcohol, fat/salty foods, narrow clothes and sedentary life). The behavior to be adopted to prevent it and care for it involves: drinking at least 2 liters per day of poor sodium water, follow a poor diet of polyunsaturated fats and salt, do sports, massages and lymphatic drainage, follow a topical therapy and intake of supplements for microcirculation


Long -term dedication will always repay you, guaranteed.


Many of you will have heard of SomatolineHere we will deal with the classic formula, designed for cellulite, not the streamlined.It is a drug as it contains real active ingredients to be distinguished from the cosmetic line (such as seven nights, belly and hips etc.).Its operation is mainly due to two active ingredients.

The levothyroxine, the thyroid hormone, which at local level activates the combustion processes of fat for energy purposes, hinders the hyperproduction of the fibers responsible for the "orange peel" and reduces the production of hyaluronic acid which is responsible for the accumulation of theliquids. 

L'Arcina, usata anche in alcune creme contro i traumi e le gambe stanche, migliora il microcircolo predisponendo il drenaggio, incrementa la resistenza dei capillari e facilita la penetrazione della levothyroxine. Il produttore consiglia di applicare 20g (due bustine) di prodotto al giorno per due giorni consecutivi per poi passare a un'applicazione di 10g (una bustina) a giorni alterni in cicli della durata di minimo 20 giorni e massimo 3 mesi. Il prodotto va applicato sulla cute pulita ed asciutta. Il massaggio linfodrenante ne ottiene un effetto sinergico. 

Come per qualsiasi problema ormai vi sono sul mercato integratori totalmente sicuri e molto validi. Ci sentiamo di menzionare l'Ananas che contiene fattori drenanti e la bromelina un antinfiammatorio naturale, l'estratto di The Verde ricco di antiossidanti e promotore della lipolisi, la Garcinia Cambogia altro attivatore del metabolismo lipidico infine i flavonoidi per il microcircolo. Per le donne in menopausa che non fanno già una terapia estrogenica sostitutiva, i fitoestrogeni possono essere d'aiuto, e non solo per il problema in oggetto. The posologia varia da prodotto a prodotto.



We would like to make some considerations with you before concluding.The Somatoline brand made an aggressive advertising campaign a few years ago for the cosmetic line that has been contested.

You will find all the products of the brand on Dermadea, such as the slimming seven nights which is one of the best sellers of the category on Scala Italia, but this article is on Somato Sop, the drug, complete with fustella and sticker.

We will take care of the slimming otherwise. Many are concerned about the side effects of spreading a cream with a hormonal derivative.In reality, clinical tests show that, at the recommended doses, there is no significant influence with circulating hormone levels and therefore there are no dangers of interaction with the functioning of the thyroid.This a bit like when putting a cream with an anti -inflammatory.

There are no side effects Because the active ingredient remains locally and only an irrelevant part ends up in the blood.However, at the end of the pre -trial Somatoline, it is not recommended in subjects with alterations against the thyroids.Although it is a very valid product, and if we were not convinced, we would not be here to review it, we want to clarify that the only application of the cream is limiting as an approach to the care and prevention of cellulite and could bring non -satisfactory results.

Va inoltre considerato anche il fattore genetico che è determinante quanto soggettivo. Per alcuni i risultati di altri sono difficilmente raggiungibili a prescindere dai mezzi. The natura è ingiusta a volte, immagino che tutti avete un'amica che mangia come un tirannosauro ed ha un fisico da pin up e una sempre a dieta che non è in forma come dovrebbe. Eppure questa non è una buona ragione per lasciarsi andare.

I wouldn't like to seem sacked now, but but Long -term dedication will always repay you, guaranteed.